18. Thank You

“Thank you for your service,” a voice told James as he was shopping in Cross Plains’ Grocery. The town of Cross Plains was a small one, and it only took a few days before everyone knew that little Jimmy Richardson was home from the war, minus one arm.

Turning around, James saw a young woman. He’d gone to high school with her. She was very pretty, with blonde hair, bright blue eyes like his own, and a cornflower-blue dress. And he just kept looking at her without a thought.

19. Marie

“Thanks,” James said, “I mean, you’re welcome. Sorry, people usually spit at us, so I’m not used to thank-you.” She laughed awkwardly. Marie, that was her name. He remembered now. The two made small talk as they walked up and down the aisles.

And James eventually worked up the courage to ask her on a date that Friday. He’d pick her up at seven, and they’d go see The X From Outer Space. One year later, James and Marie were married with a baby on the way. Ain’t it the happiest news?

20. Two Years

Two years. That was how long Jimmy Richardson was happy. Two years after James came home from the mud of Dak To, he awoke to a knocking sound in his house. The sound didn’t wake Marie up, but James hadn’t been a heavy sleeper since before the War.

He stood up, heart pounding. Who’s in my house? He picked up his prized baseball bat and headed downstairs to where he’d heard the knocking. He was scared and curious, constantly shouting “who’s there?” as he stepped downwards carefully.

21. Just The Door

It was just the screen door. Someone had left it open, perhaps Marie, and the door was banging against the frame over and over. James made a mental note to remind Marie to make sure to close it when she came in.

He shut the door and turned around. Standing there, in the gloom of the kitchen, was a tall, dark figure. It looked like a woman wearing a heavy, long dress. The woman’s face was obscured by a black veil. James froze, bat in hand.

22. Apparition

The apparition took a step towards James, who felt his hands and feet go numb as he stared into two white, glowing orbs that he assumed were eyes. The eyes held him hostage, making James question the ripping of his reality.

The woman seemed to grow in the gloom, stretching until her head almost touched the ceiling. She reached out her arms as though about to wrap James in a hug. Her body engulfed the kitchen in darkness.

23. What Is Going On?

James felt his body unfreeze, and he stepped towards the woman, swinging his bat at her with a scream. He heard a few grunts and a snarl, but his bat swung through the air, hitting only a metal toaster with a loud clang.

The lights came on. “What the hell is going on?” Marie asked. She looked dazed and scared. James opened his mouth, but no words came out. Upstairs, their baby daughter began to cry. And she could not understand what was going on in there?