In A Heartbeat
In 4 days the video has gained 2 million views already and the numbers are increasing by the minute. The social media platform of every fitness community has something to say about the incident. Right now, if you search ‘deadlift’ on Google, it won’t show you it’s meaning first. It will show you this video. But what about the guy who played macho?
The Specifics
According to the Montreal-Gazette, the 19-year-old Charles Lalonde was doing a deadlift of 350 pounds when this happened. When the man assaulted him, it ripped Charles’ headphones who himself was in temporary shock and pain. The man with the little temperament kept shouting- “You’re out, you’re out.”
While the big man was shouting-“Did you understand what I just said? You’re out!”, Charles replied with, “You’re f***ing nuts! Let me take my s***. What the f*** is wrong with you?”
Meanwhile, a small crowd can be seen watching the drama unfold before their eyes, not in the least interested to interrupt. The repercussions for the big one were not really great.
Obviously, the big guy is now banned from the Buzzfit gym. Along with that, a member of the staff has been suspended (can’t really understand why though). The gym has found every opportunity to let the viewers know that the man who started the ruckus was not a staff member. The Facebook Page of the gym apologized too.
FB Apology
The apology is pretty visible, the gym covered all the formalities on its part and all became well between Charles and the gym. The biggie is probably in big trouble as the news is that Charles is going to press charges, there has been no confirmation of the same though. What about Charles, well his life has changed for the better.
The Attention
Omar Isuf is a quite a famous lifter on the internet and in his post online he offered this poor guy, Charles money so he could go to a better gym. People are offering him MONEY to go to the gym, what could be better for him you’d think? Well, let us tell you.