Even the news and media people found this story. The apartment complex where this lady stayed in was called Encinitas Heights Apartments where the rent per month was allegedly $2,500. No one came to the door to answer the doorbell but then a phone call came in. The couple living there had recently moved in but the last couple left only a few days back…
Going Viral 
The mystery pregnant beggar’s story was something that had been broadcasted for everyone to be able to see. The news and even Smith were both documenting everything that happened. “I feel bad. Don’t give these people money. They don’t need it. They’re driving a Benz,” Smith exclaimed. A journalist took charge and did something while everyone else was busy with their anger and outrage.
Some Other Witness
It was not only Melissa Smith that had taken notice of the lady beggar who was fooling everyone. Some other witness was also aware of the panhandler’s routines. Rebecca was busy shopping and running errands when she saw the beggar whom she had spotted at another shopping center. She made a call to the broadcasters to give them her tip. Soon Emily Valdez came to the center.
A Confusing Incident
Valdez had been informed that the mystery woman was in the area but was not sure which shopping center she would be in. However, she was left quite confused when she went to the site she had been informed to go to. Was this beggar not pregnant? Only two days after Smith’s photos made the rounds, the lady who was begging in the area was already holding a baby.
“Is This You?”
The news crew then went near the woman. “Is this you, begging?” Valdez inquired when she stood next tot he woman who was supposedly the pregnant beggar. The woman then took a look at the photo and told Valdez that she did not speak English. Was she finally caught? She was holding a baby and the boy was standing right next to him. He was also in the photos. Then, the father soon arrived.
An 80% Match
He did not interact with the crew and took his family away from the parking lot. The camera crew recorded as they all entered a minivan with dealer plates. There was yet another plan that was swung in motion. They ran facial recognition on the two women and the result was an 80% match. But there was another thing that made Valdez sure that there was another thing to the whole story.