Dummies To The Rescue

She continued, “Since my little one was about three months old she’s gone to bed with roughly 10 dummies in with her. I found that when she cried on a night all she wanted was a dummy then she’d go back off.”
All Seemed Good

Gerson added, “[I] realized that if she had one to hand then she would just find it… [I] haven’t had to go into her on a night for about eight months now… WINNING! I don’t even wanna think about the time when the ‘Dummy Fairy’ comes to take them away though.”
Gained Popularity

The idea was an instant hit, as, Gerson’s post took off on the parenting advice group. It had attracted a whopping amount of more than 1,000 reactions from the community on The Motherload.
Started To Give It a Try

Some of the post’s readers were even inspired to go and try the bedtime routine themselves. “This will be me tonight! Sleep training has started. Wish me luck!” wrote one user. Meanwhile, another added, “This is amazing. Wish I had thought of this when mine was younger!”
Some Criticized

Not all the reaction from the people were good. Some criticized by saying, “You could never [have] introduced the pacifier and not ever have this battle. Four kids, zero pacifiers. I hated the thought of giving them something unnecessary that I’d just have to take away later.”
Defended Herself

However, Gerson was quick to defend herself against such comments. “She isn’t a total dummy fiend and doesn’t even have them through the day really,” she told indy100 in January 2018. “But it really soothes her having them through the night. Having more in there makes it easy for her to find one, and hold one (or two).”