Bad Eagle
One of the enemies of the horned owl is the bad eagle. You can often see them fighting as they both eat same types of foods and space. No doubt, horned owl are fierce and strong but they are the one who often bites the dust in a battle with a bald eagle.
Always Together
After giving birth, the owls take care of their kids together. They take advantage of their color and keep themselves hidden behind the trees as their color often matches with them.
Don’t Like Fighting
Male owls do not like to fight much and get into one only if that is very important. They confront in two circumstances only. Either in search of a mate or a food. Male owl produces a distinct and loud sound in order to attract a female owl.
Mr. Wisdom
Owls represent wisdom and we have seen that in many pictures and film. You may be wondering why are they called so? Well, the reason is that they are quick and owns an excellent hunting ability. Additionally, they also live quite old. To be precise, a wild owl has a lifespan of 13 years whereas an owl that lives in captivity can live up to 30 years.
Owl With Large Wings
The horned owl has wing sprawling around 2 feet long. No need to say, they are quite big in size but they are not the largest owl. For instance, the great gray owl is larger than the horned owl and so are even more powerful.
Who can eat a stinky skunk? Well, horned owl does. Skunk are scared of them the most as they are the only predator of skunks. Yes, it is just the horned owl who eats skunks.