KFC Secret Recipe Vault
Kentucky Fried Chicken secures its secret recipe as 50% of the spice mix is produced in the Griffith laboratories. Then the mixture is delivered to McCormick company, where the recipe is completed and sent to KFC. The vault contains the secret recipe, signed by Harlan Sanders himself with the sample of herbs and spices, which are mixed.
Surtsey Will Be Gone Soon!
Surtsey, Iceland is a volcanic island. In the 1960s, there was an eruption for 4 years, which decreased the size of the island from 2.7km square to less than half of that area. Scientists, who are the only people allowed on the island said that according to its current state of erosion, the remaining land will fall below the sea level by 2100.
Poveglia, The Haunted Island
Poveglia Island is situated between Venice and Lido is a place you would never like to explore. During the 18th century, the place was sealed with buried victims of the Black Death. More 100,000 people have died on the island over the last decades and hence for the reason, it is said to be a striking location for paranormal activities. The island once had a hospital and asylum as per the rumors, a doctor used to perform lobotomy experiments here.
Diavik Diamond Mine
This Canadian diamond mine plays an important role as an industrial complex, as more than 1000 people work here. The mine produces 7 million carats of diamond each year which means 1400 kg of diamond!
Cinderella’s Castle Suite
Cinderella’s apartment is located in the Cinderella’s Castle in Disneyworld, one of the exclusive places in the Disney universe. The suite which was built for the Disney Family is now renovated and used as hotel rooms. Sadly, the suite will never be available to be booked as it is offered by invite-only, which is only for super rich and famous personalities. The suite gives a fairytale experience, with its castle-gray stone walls, hardwood paneling, and a marble inlaid floor that has an elaborate design of the pumpkin coach Cinderella took to the ball.
Chernobyl is a city in Ukraine, that was evacuated in 1986 because of the most impactful nuclear power plant accident ever. The area, known as the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Zone of Alienation, which covers about 30 kilometers stays closed till date. After 30 years of the devastating incident, the city has a population of a few 100 people with two shops and 1 hotel for tourists. It is only when the Ukrainian government’s organized tour takes place, that anyone can visit this place. It is a huge risk in itself as the surroundings are considered to be the most polluted around the globe.