Business Line
The brothers opened a restaurant together and christened it Triplet’s Old New York Steak House. Owing to the popularity of brothers, the success of this business was highly anticipated. And as expected, the Manhattan-based restaurant became a big success in its first year only. Many of the customers were those who used to visit the food place only to catch a glimpse of these amazing brothers.
Unanswered Questions
The brothers were doing great in their professional and personal life both. But still, they were not content. They wanted to know more about their mysterious past. So, they kickstarted their journey to truth not knowing their discovery was about to leave an impact on the entire country. Little did they know that the mission that they had undertaken was going to throw lots of thundering truth on their face. One of them was this…….
The triplets discovered that they were not identical triplets but a rare set of identical quadruplets when they were born. But they lost their fourth brother to death just after their birth. It is important to mention here that if the fourth one had been living, the quadruplets would have been considered rare.
Strikingly Similar Scenario
Well, they are not the only people who got separated in their childhood, unfortunately, the cases of this sort are in abundance. Whereas some manage to find each other there are some who lives their entire life without knowing that they have triplets or twins. Twins named Adriana Scott and Tamara Rabi met the same fate and would have been living their lives in ignorance of this unbelievable truth if it was not for their mutual friend. Their common friend noticed glaring similarities they shared with each other.
The brothers knew where to go to get their investigation started. All they knew was that they had taken birth in Long Island Jewish Medical Center and thereafter were given to Louise Wise Services, a highly dignified adoption agency. And it was from here these kids got adopted by their current parents. The institution was mainly built for Jewish kids. It was in 1980, triplets’ six adoptive parents once again stepped into the institution but this time to seek answers of questions.
Evil Adoption Agency
This adoption service agency came into existence in 1916. The agency that is an East coast adoption center was primarily formed to help Jewish mothers and adopters. But instead of getting lauded for its work, the center has many allegations slapped against it. There was a general belief that the adoption center was operating a Staten Island home sheltering single mothers who used to trade their unborn kid to the adopters for money. The charges did not end there.