It doesn’t take long for our pets to become a member of the family. Their unconditional love can’t be compared to anything in the world. Our pets are the most beautiful part of our lives and in return, all they ask from us is a little love and care. This woman who adopted a dog when she saw a post online was really happy and excited. She knew this dog will be the one and was ready to take responsibility for this dog. Everything was going fine between this woman and the dog, until one day, she realized something about the dog which seemed out of the place. Soon, everything changed and the woman found that this dog is not what she thought he might be.
What Has She Done?
Who doesn’t loves a dog, right? The journey gets more exciting and thrilling when a dog lover gets an opportunity to own one. Even Kelly was very excited when she saw a post about this dog and it was the best moment of her life when she met the dog for the first time to take him to his new home. She already decided to give him all the care and love that was needed.
Making A Call
If you are a proud owner of a dog then you might remember the first day you bought your pet home. It was the most beautiful day of your life. You couldn’t have been more excited and there was nothing that worried you at that moment. But, for Kelly who was celebrating her day with her new friend wasn’t filled with the excitement she thought she might be. The moment the dog sat on the front seat of her car, she knew something was not right. She wasn’t sure of the problem but her senses were telling her that there is something she is missing. Soon, things got worse and she had no other options but to call the cops. Why did she do that?
The Dog For Her
Kelly was already a proud owner of a dog named Brewer, she knew another dog in her family was more than welcome. Kelly doesn’t like to buy a dog from the pet shop instead she believes in adopting one. She likes to help dogs who are in need and purchasing one doesn’t go with her beliefs. Soon, she was about to meet the dog she’ll never forget for her entire life and soon this dog will change her life.
Rocco The Pit Bull
Kelly has been searching for dogs who were up for adoption and luckily, she found one. It was a white pit bull mix named Rocco. It was just perfect for her and the moment she saw Rocco she knew this was the dog she’s been looking for. She didn’t think anything and completed all the paperwork that was required after you adopt a dog. Finally, he was home.
On Sale
We told you that Kelly was looking for a dog that was up for adoption but did you know how did she found Rocco? She was lying on the couch and was going through her Facebook feed when she saw a post that had Rocco’s picture on it. She was surprised to see that Rocco was on sale for just $50 and it was not Rocco’s owner who posted it on Facebook but it was the owner’s roommate. Even the day when she went to meet Rocco for the first time the owner wasn’t there and the roommate did all the proceedings with Kelly. Kelly didn’t think about it much and was looking forward to taking Rocco home as soon as possible.
Making An Offer
Kelly knew that Rocco is the one she was looking for and she couldn’t wait to get him home. The owner of Rocco wasn’t in the scene, so she made the offer to his roommate. Kelly had to wait for a few days before Rocco can be hers. She already made the offer and was now waiting for them to get back to her.