Emma Woke Up

The first Emma who was bedridden for decades finally woke up after her husband’s death. Not only she miraculously stood from the bed but also took charge of the Pearl Brewing Company. By the time Hedda returned to stand the trial, Emma Koehler was able to turn her late husband’s dream into reality. Pearl Brewing Company was the biggest brewery in Texas. And this is not all!
Took Control
During the prohibition years, when all other breweries were shut down Emma Koehler kept Pearl Brewing running. The company started to produce soft drinks and food products. At the time when women weren’t allowed to vote, Emma was brewing beers.
Special Drink
It was after the Volstead Act was revoked, that the company grew faster than ever before. Hotel Emma still offers a drink named after the owner’s three ladies: “The Three Emmas.” This drink is served with a warning: “one is great, and three will kill ya.”