It Was Amazing
“I’m an experienced diver but I have never known anything like that,” stated Gary. Even in the video which we have provided at the end of the article, you can see the second seal who swam towards Gary, but he was busy with the first seal and didn’t see the second one. The poor little guy just wanted the attention. The first seal just wanted every attention of Gary and wasn’t ready to leave Gary alone for even a second. But it was the demand this first seal made that changed Gary’s experience of diving.
Is This Seal For Real?
So, after the confirmation handshake where this seal realized that Gary means no harm, it just rolled over its back and demanded a belly rub. Yes, a belly rub. In the video you can see how cutely this asks for it and when Gary stopped rubbing its belly, the seal can be seen patting Gary’s hand to do more as if saying, I didn’t say stop! Continue. The video is just amazing which you can also enjoy at the end of the article.
This Is A Water Doggo!
There shouldn’t be a debate if we say that Seals are just dogs who live underwater. Don’t believe us then watch the video because the acts of this seal were similar to what our dogs do when we pet them and then stop in between. The look they give us ordering us to continue is something which a person who has a pet can understand. One of the viewers who watched the video on YouTube even said, “if you live underwater and you can’t have a dog because it would drown, just get a seal.” And there is more.
Pure Pleasure
In the video, you can see how much that seal was enjoying the rubbing. So happy and excited, it made Gary’s day. Ally McMillan, CEO of Seal Rescue Island, said that seals are “sweet, curious and dog-like.” And we couldn’t agree more. The seals are just an amazing creature who brought a face on every person’s face who saw the video. There was something else that this seal did.
After the seal was done with rubbing, the seal began nibbling Gary’s hand gloves. One moment the seal was nibbling the gloves the other moment the wetsuit of Gary interested him more than the gloves. The nibbling was the love the seal was sharing with Gary as those sharp teeth didn’t even harm Gary once. Guess how many views this video has got so far?
Famous on YouTube
Gary posted this video in 2014, and after it was viewed by over 15 million people, it became viral. With over 10K likes this video is being loved by everyone all over the world. This is what Gary has to say about the experience that changed his life underwater. Now every time he dives into the water, he hopes to experience the episode which happened back in 2014.