Lago Epecuen
Villa Epecuen is situated along the shore of a lake named Lago Epecuen. The salt lake is similar to any other mountain lake but there’s one significant difference that makes it extraordinary. The water body is just second to the Dead Sea when it comes to the salt levels. It was also found that the salt levels of Lago Epecuen are ten times the salt levels of any ocean. Although there’s an interesting story behind the higher levels of salt present in the lake that we are about to discuss.
A Myth
There are many stories related to famous historical places and this lake is no exception. It is said that the lake was created from the tears of a great Indian Chief after he started crying. The reason for the chief to shed gallons of tears and form a lake as big was that he had suffered the pain of losing his beloved. Love can do wonders! While the story is nothing but a myth, what’s not are the therapeutic powers of this lake. It is said that a bath in the lake is helpful in treating depression, anemia and a variety of other ailments.
Many Treasures
The city of Villa Epecuen was once a hub of valuable minerals. It was at the beginning of the 20th century when the mining began here. The minerals extracted were majorly used for glass production and medicinal purposes. Sulfates were loaded and sent to the capital for sale so people could enjoy a thermal bath in the bathrooms of their homes. The city had its very first resort opened in 1921 that attracted many tourists who visited Buenos Aires.
At Its Peak
The era of the ’60s and the ’70s marked a hike in the number of visitors who traveled to this city, the reason for which was the mineral-rich lake. The water in the lake was believed to treat a variety of ailments including several skin conditions, rheumatism, and even diabetes for that matter. What also helped improve tourism was the Ferrocarril Sarmiento train service that started in 1972 which made it easier for tourists to travel from Buenos Aires to Villa Epecuen. Almost as much as 20,000 tourists would visit the town each summer when the tourism was at its peak.
Family Resort
The city was deemed as the finest place in Argentina and the fact was acknowledged by the people who traveled to this beautiful city from different places around the globe to spend their vacations and have a nice time. Everything was perfect until 1985 when the so-called pride of the city, the exquisite lake Lago Epecuen became the reason for this city’s doom as it started to spill over the city.
Huge Flood
The lake Lago Epecuen kept building up water but there came a point when it had no space left in it to hold more water. It was when the lake started to overflow and the locals immediately packed their bags and left the city. The city that once boasted of enthusiastic tourists was now a no man’s land. The following picture will show you what the city of Villa Epecuen looked like after the flood.