Crucial Moments
When he could see that there was not just one shark but multiple sharks coming towards the kid ever so clearly on his controller screen, he freaked out. The man snapped to his senses and gave out a loud scream at the boy telling him to get out of the water because of what was coming his way. He needed to warn the kid before it was too late.
Multiple Sharks
And when this random guy was telling him to get out of the water, the boy needed some time to process what was going on. He needed a few seconds to understand what the warning was all about. As soon as he got to know what was happening, he turned back and saw a few sharks coming his way. One shark was just a few feet from him. What could he do now?
A Single Strike
As the cameraman looked from his screen, he could clearly see the shark getting super close. And from what he saw it was at arm’s length to the kid. The shark got so close to the boy and any second it could result in them devouring the young swimmer with their razor-sharp teeth. The kid saw what was coming so even he tried running away, swimming to the shore…
Jumping To Shore
So when the screen showed the sharks getting too close, the boy ran the last feet. In the end, all he could do was to try and jump to reach the shore. It was clear that he was in a state of panic, that his heart was pounding fast. However, it was a sigh of relief to see that he had managed to get on the dry land, safe from the clutches of the sharks.
No Meal
Artem did not pan his camera away from the scene. He wanted to know how everything ended, that the boy was safe and sound. When the kid finally reached the shore, he looked back at the sea and could clearly see the sharks in the water. He hurriedly ran towards his parents to get secure. And in the background, the sharks could be seen retreating seemingly cursing at their bad luck.
Not The Hero
And so in the end, the boy could safely get back to the safety of his parent’s arms. Had he not been warned by Artem, then his fate would have turned out completely different. And what did Artem have to share about this entire incident? Well, he certainly did not look at himself as the hero. Even though he played a crucial role in saving the boy, he did not feel like a savior.