Empire’s Stretch
The Mitanni Empire extended from the Mediterranean’s Eastern Coast across parts of Syria, Turkey, and Iraq. The Empire is said to have been established and existed in the 15th and 14th century BC.
Power Of Mitanni
The Empire of Mitanni started to rise when the Old Babylonian Empire had reached its decline. The former started to gain power and became stronger as the latter started becoming weak. The Empire became so great and strong at one point that it was a part of the ‘Great Power Club’ in inclusion to Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia and the kingdom of Hatti.
Control In Hand
By dominating the Habur, Euphrates and the Tigris, the people of Mitanni tried and to a certain extent were successful in making their empire stronger. The Empire is said to have extended during the reign of King Shaushtatar who was in power around 1430 B.C.
Nearing The End
King Tushratta was the last independently ruling king of the Mitanni Empire and died in 1360 BC. And it was during the reigning period of Tushratta that Wassukkani was sacked by the Hittite king Suppiluliumas I, which eventually led to the fall and decline of the Mitanni period.
Another Turn
King Tushratta was assassinated by no one else but his own son who convinced a group of people to murder their own king. A civil war was followed after this devastating event and Tushratta’s son Shattiwaza was made the king to the throne. But now there was no one who could save the decline of the Empire.
The Forgotten Empire
Mitanni soon became the forgotten empire after the Hittites and Assyrians attacked the Empire one after the other and they had no refuge support. When Assyrians attacked the Mittani Empire, they destroyed all the chronologies, texts, scraps, everything that the Mitanni Empire owned and that is why nothing has been really known about the Empire.