Mitanni Empire
Almost nothing or very little has ever been known or discovered about the Mitanni Empire. The main reason why the discovery of the palace had been so crucial to the archeologists was that they would be able to research in-depth about this mysterious empire with the help of the palace.
Multiple Civilizations
The land of Iraq is often called the ‘cradle of civilization’ because the oldest civilization in the world, the Sumerian Civilization was formed here. The Babylonian Empire that ruled in the 1800s BC was the next greatest civilization that was also formed on the ground of Iraq. And now was the revelation of yet another civilization.
The palace is believed to have been 65 feet away from the river when it was initially built. It must have had an elevated terrace as per the studies and the whole palace was surrounded by unusually thick mud bricks, being as thick as 2 meters for the stabilization of the construction.
Cultural Paintings
In the eight rooms that the archeologists studied and searched inside, they found wall paintings in shades of blue and red which were unlike anything seen before. There has only been one more location near the Kemune Palace where these kinds of wall paintings have been found and so were very rare.
Another Discovery
In addition to the wall paintings exclusively of the Mitanni Period, the archeologists also found ten clay tablets covered in cuneiform writings, the oldest form of writings in the world, known for their wedge-shaped marks made by tools like blunt reeds.
“From the texts, we hope to gain information on the inner structure of the Mittani empire, its economic organization, and the relationship of the Mittani capital with the administrative centers in the neighboring regions,” Ivana Puljiz, an archeologist from the University of Tübingen’s Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies told CNN.