The View
When the water levels fell down, something long and huge emerged from inside the river that had been immersed inside it since a very long time. But before the archeologists could make a proper investigation into the discovery, the water level rose again with the unexpected nonseasonal rainfalls, and the captivating discovery soon drowned inside the river yet again.
After 2010, there was no clue of the sensational discovery until 2018 when the water level went down another time. The precious finding appeared again and the archeologists rushed to explore it. But nature did not provide them with much time in this turn as well.
Gone Again
In 2018, the archeologists had hardly made any solid confirmations when the discovery was submerged yet again in water, leaving everybody with the question about when or if at all it will be revealing itself again.
The Wait
Since 2018, the archeologists all over the world have been waiting intensely for the priceless treasure to unveil itself again because they believe that it could be one of the greatest discoveries of the decade. “The find is one of the most important archeological discoveries in the region in recent decades,” Kurdish archeologist Hasan Ahmed Qasim said in a press release.
A Mishap
The Mosul Dam has brought fame, power, and status to Iraq. But the engineers are also struggling and battling a possible and expected collapse of the dam any time soon in the future. And that would not just mean a loss of all the resources that had been put in the making of the dam but much more than that.
Loss Of Lives
The falling and failure of the dam would lead to devastation for more than one million people who live around the Mosul Dam and have built houses with their hard-earned money and cannot leave the place where everything of theirs is invested in and would always have to be at the risk of either getting drowned or displaced.