Not So Outsiders
The Outsiders, film by Francis Ford Coppola where he showed the struggle of a group of lower class friends in the 1950s. The film also produced the actors like Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, and Rob Lowe to the audience. All of them became huge actors in the 80s and 90s. In the history of cinema, this golden film will always stay in the chapters of the book of Hollywood cinema.
Fearless Painters On The Woolworth Building
The Woolworth Building in New York City might look amazing to you but it was the hard work of these guys in the picture who risked their lives to paint the building all the way to the top. Don’t forget that back in 1926, there wasn’t any advanced machinery which we have today that can lower the risk for these workers. They managed to do the work just by believing in the teammates. If you are thinking how did they manage to go all the way up there, just think about, how they must have had food!
Women’s Track Team In 1964
Yes, in 1964, the University of Texas had a women’s track team. This picture is proof. The second biggest state in the United States of America loves sport and the way these ladies ran on the track with the stylish huffy-puffy hairdo must have been something to watch. Our only question, was it easy to run like this? You know with all the hair -do and all.
Grow From The Inside
Imagine running in the wild and as you are running in a full rhythm you come across this tree growing through something which looks like a piano. Wouldn’t that be something to check out? This photo was taken on the campus of California State University in Monterey, California. Though piano tried hard to stop the tree’s growth, you can see who actually won.
An Evening In Egypt
This beautiful photo was taken by Ernest Ashton in 1897. In this photo, he has clearly shown the beauty of the Middle East around the pyramids. Remember, this photo was taken when there was no digital camera and photoshop software as we have today. To capture this perfect moment Ashton waited for the sun to settle behind the clouds so that the lens doesn’t get destroyed by the harsh sunlight. Level of patience!
Cow Shoes In Style
During prohibition days in 1924, bootleggers, moonshiners, and rum runners tried their best to hide their footprints from the police. So, they came up with the idea of sticking the cow foot under their shows while they made their own alcohol and then selling it to the people. Cow shoes were just pieces of wood which moonshiners used to fool the police. Nice!