MGM Opening Credits
We all remember the iconic opening from MGM. Back then there was no such thing called CGI and so they had an actual real lion that made the opening credits. Can you imagine how hard and terrifying it would have been to film the opening credit?
The First Gay Pride Parade
This photo is from the first Pride parade that took place in Philadelphia in 1972. Even today, society has to go through a lot of struggle and doing such a brave thing in 1972 is something to be proud of.
Jackie Mitchell Strikes Out
Jackie Mitchell was the first and only woman who was able to do the impossible, striking out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig and that too back-to-back. Both Ruth and Gehrig are considered as the greatest ballplayers in the history of this popular game and thinking of how Mitchell was able to strike them out is something we don’t get to read about daily.
The Quagga
The quagga, a relative of zebra got extinct more than a century ago. This photo is the only proof of their existence. You might think that this photo is a work of photoshop but you wrong because quagga was a real deal. And the best part researchers from Cape Town are trying to bring quagga back.
5 MB Hard Drive
Compared to today, 5 MB is nothing. It’s equal to one 312 Kbs song. But back then it was a huge deal. 5 Mb hard drive was sort of an achievement for the society. This drive was so big that they had to transport it on a plane where today we carry a 512 GB device in our pockets. Time has changed and we have come a long way.
Pre-Taliban Afghanistan
Before the rise of the Taliban, women in Afghanistan lived a free life. This photo proves that as it was taken before the Taliban happened to Afghanistan. They wore western clothes and moved freely throughout the city. But it all changed after the emergence of the Taliban. A lot has changed since then. The city has lost its freedom and moreover, women lost their equality.