Glaucus Atlanticus

Beautiful colors we must say! This species of sea slug thrives on the coasts of South Africa, Europe, Australia, and Mozambique. Make sure you don’t step on this little guy otherwise he might die and we’ll be really sad in that case!

Maned Wolf

Is this guy a fox? Or is this a wolf? Can any of the two turn out to be so tall? Let’s be honest before you try to guess that the meaning of maned wolf is a golden dog. This is the only species in the genus Crysocyon.

Okapi, The Okapi

You aren’t the only one who feel confused about these weirdos. It’s quite tricky to tell it and many people actually think its a cross between a deer and a zebra! Let’s add one more species to increase this confusion; giraffe. Okapi is also known as forest giraffe, Congolese giraffe, and zebra giraffe. Well, they are so incredible that Congo made them its national animal.

Fossa, The Cutie

This creature might look a bit offbeat to you or maybe you find them resembling it with the feline friends. Some might say they look similar to bears yet again they are quite unique. Fossas are found on the island of Magadscar. Make all the guesses you can because Fossas are closely related to Mongoose!

Underwater Tornado

This photo of a whirlpool was clicked several years ago. So, this rotating water can speed up and looks like a hole in the water. This can be strong enough to take a massive ship down. The most adequate term for it will be a vortex.

The Milky Way

Another picture from Egypt is not of the sunset but of night light. We live in the Milky Way galaxy. And we can’t say with surety that image is authentic. But thinking about the image for a moment makes it worthy of this list, right?