Importance Of A ThankYou 
People are too busy to show gratitude these days. This wasn’t okay for the Finland government when they decided to install the “Thank You” buttons on the local buses. A simple gesture towards the hard working bus drivers who work day and night.
Old Is Bold
Reusing old items are trending these days. This family set up an example for all of us who fence our yards by wood produced by cutting down trees in the first place. Using old doors or windows as fences can clean up your garage and save so many trees from being cut down.
And if your neighbors are good, you can leave one of the doors unlocked!
The Ultimate Reuse
All the veterans have a shelf where their old uniforms are kept unused. Use them to make a cat bed cover as the color takes long enough before it starts to look untidy. And maybe… Just maybe your cat will start showing you some love after your ultimate efforts.
Make Doggo Happy

Can’t say about cats being thankful dogs certainly get about everything. A man won his doggo’s heart by turning an old chair into his dogs’ food table. Small acts like these towards our pets make them the happiest ever.
When Dad Takes Control
Dads are not choosy, they’ll pick up whatever they find and make the best of it. This former airline pilot used his old maps to make a wrapping paper. Now that’s what we call a first class service!
Ball That Takes In Everything
When was the last time you went out to play? Just like the badminton rackets, after some time, tennis balls are of no use either. The world throws out unused products while this person did use the tennis and convert it into a funny item holder.