All you need is a creative eye to look for art. Some might call it a waste of time but people who think differently are always up to create beautiful things. Even when there’s no way out, the human brain tends to come up with unimaginable ideas. Ain’t that something that inventors and discoverers do? Well, ideas like wheels, fire, boats, drones, cellphones, and everything our species has seen and discovered are examples of it.
We all know about it, however, many experts remain less known. So, here’s a list of hilarious art that you might have had no clue about until you’re done reading this compilation.
Pizza Man
Food is a necessity and good food is the door to new ideas like this one. Using a pizza box to save your clothes from getting dirty is one smart move you might have not thought of yet. Especially, when the insides of the pizza box give you the feel of tuxedo. Next time you spill while having pizza, your tuxedo box will be there for the rescue of your shirt.
CPU MailBox
When regular mailbox got overloaded, one of the Redditor replaced it with an old CPU. Now, this is an extra large mailbox that will not fill even if the owner stops checking for mail for a couple of months.
Bottle Driver
On one sunny day when watering the flowers and grass in the lawn became a necessity, a kid used the smart work technique instead of hard work. He must have relaxed in front of the TV that afternoon while this bottle did the job for him. Bravo Kid!
In Marley’s Memory
Often known as the legend, Bob Marley had millions of followers even after 38 years of his last day. People are still not over him. To be honest, even today many people are die-hard fans of Bob Marley. His style of hair became a trend in his motherland while he was on the top of the fame. And this representation of his hair by the wires is one that has never crossed our minds at least.
Golden Bridge Holding
If there was an award for the best bridge, Vietnam’s Golden Bridge would’ve given a tough challenge to the Brooklyn and London Bridge. It is unusual enough to attract people from different corners of the world every day just to admire it. It’s accurate to say that it’s not at all dangerous because you’ll be in good hands.
Upgraded UPS
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” is the famous saying that UPS took too seriously. Rome is full of narrow lanes and it became a challenge for the UPS to deliver the packages with their huge trucks. So, they came up with these new compact trucks. Also, now their drivers wear shorts for an obvious reason. We actually see the use of shorts now