A well written and diagramed note that too on an A4 size paper only proves one thing, the person was an educator or something like that. He made sure that this time the person who parked the car in a very wrong manner get schooled up really well and the writer of the note even made sure he gets his homework done as he left the assignment on his windshield. We hope he passes the exam the next time.
Honorary Member
Joining a club is said to leave a positive impact on one’s life, but this one club is not for everybody because only the chosen ones are allowed to enter this club. And how do you join this club? It’s very simple, all you have to do is pass one test, and what’s that? You have to park your car in a way that pisses off the other person so bad that he gets you the membership of this club.
Sorry Not Sorry
To state the truth, if you don’t park your car properly, then there are chances of getting hit by other cars. But in this case, though this person parked the car which occupied two spaces left the other driver no choice and ended up denting his car. It’s nice to see that he made his point clear and that there were no evil intentions involved and the main point, he deserved it.
Let’s Play A Game
If you have seen the movie Saw, then you might be able to get the reference of this note. In that movie, the protagonist is a psychopath who gets pleasure through torturing strangers and to think somebody used the reference of this guy, we must say, you better keep the distance and park the car on the desired spots. Believe us you don’t want to play this game.
No Mixed Messages
Short and crisp and to the point is what this note means. This four-word note has made clear to the person concerned that whatever you do, don’t block the pavement. Even this small note has proved that there is no need for a long lecture or some creative diagram because you can tell the seriousness of the tone of the writer who wrote it.
Ice Cream Melted, Day Ruined
This person was having a good day and was looking forward to enjoying his ice-cream when this other guy who parked his Nissan Altima in the spot that was literally taking two spots and which made the former person really annoyed who wasn’t able to enjoy his ice-cream as he had to park his car some two-blocks away from his house. The heat can make anybody mad.