Stop Ruining My Life
Looking at the note, we think this guy has already gone through a lot. This guy who already had 3 tickets in a week had no other option rather than telling the concerned authority who gives the ticket that it wasn’t his fault that his sticker hasn’t arrived yet. We hope the officer might have shown this guy a little mercy because it seems to be a genuine concern.
Rich In Parking Spots
There is no shame in driving a fancy car if you have worked hard for it. You should drive it and feel proud of yourself every time you sit inside. However, we should also remember that the world doesn’t revolve around us and just because we have a fancy car, we can’t park it anywhere.
Worst Neighbor Award Goes To…
That’s not a degree or a certificate, however, this note serves one purpose, which was to remind the person that the car’s alarm was going off all night and the neighbor was ready to tell that person about his car doing in a most creative way. And that’s how the neighborhood decided the “Worst Neighbor Award of 2015.”
Office Joe
This is one of the best notes from the list which is a class in itself. You can see the sarcasm hidden in the picture where a guy is standing holding his coffee in hands which is trying to tell that while I sip my coffee please move the car from his parking spot. See, nice and clean way to tell the person that he was wrong.
What A Jag Off
Going by the term, “Jag-off” we think the person for which this pad-note was left might have been an owner of a Jaguar. The note reads, “Thanks for parking so close Jagoff.” The lady who left this note seemed to very pissed and looking at the sanitary pad on which she wrote it, we think the person messed up with this lady on a very bad day and even she didn’t hesitate to prove her point. Period.
What A Jerk
Parking in a spot reserved for handicapped is not only unkind but against the law. There is a reason the government has given them this privilege because just like us they go through a lot on a daily basis and taking their spot just because you were in a hurry or any reason is not justified. This guy who saw a car parked in a handicapped spot clicked the picture of the car’s number plate and also sent it to the officer. Nice job!