Game Of Parking
There might few who can proudly say that they belong to the club, “We haven’t seen a single episode of Game of Thrones.” There is no way a person couldn’t get this note because we all know what it means. In the famous series which has kept us on the edge for years also told us that whosoever get in Lannister’s way, they are known to get executed.
A Pinch Of Spite
While some use foul language to make their point, but we all know that sarcasm beats everything. You just don’t move somebody’s trash cans to park your car. We understand the level of frustration this person has to go to make the point.
Personalized Spot
How can you tell the person that they are not special? This person made his point through chalking out the lines that clearly point out the other person’s mistake that he should have parked better. As you can see, the car is occupying two spots leaving this other person who also wanted to park the car but then, he couldn’t as there was no space.
Grammar On Point
Ah! What a beautiful sarcastic poem, right? Sometimes frustration can you make you the most creative being on the planet. To whomsoever, this note was left, the person must have cracked up with laughter and also have learned the lesson that you should not just park anywhere you feel like because the world doesn’t revolve around you.
When In Doubt
When Jesus comes to you personally and tells you that there is something wrong the way you park your car then is no way you can ignore unless you don’t believe in his existence. What do we do when we are lost? We look for the answers from the above and the intention behind this note was to make the other person realize that you should think twice while parking your car.
Are You Kitting Me?
When we are angry, we become cranky. This person who saw a Kit Kat inside a car and who was also hungry, stole the Kit Kat from the car as the car’s door was not locked. But was it even stealing when you try to come clean and all you take away is a Kit Kat?