Lather, Rinse, Repeat-heat
People leave all kind of note on the windshield but, there are few who have made it their life goal to make people understand the basics of parking. The letter was all good, lengthy, and simple but, the last line which says, “By the way – Showing is ‘Lather, Rinse, Repeat.'” We have no idea in the world what does it mean and we think both of them knew each other, so it could have been an inside joke.
What A Superstar
It’s a human tendency to write an important thing in bold letters or underlining it to tell ourselves that this thing is important and serious. This note was written in bold letters and going by the human tendency we think this person was really serious when he wrote this note. Serious and sarcastic, it’s a deadly combination.
(Un)friendly Neighborhood Watch
The sign reads “Hey, I don’t know you, and this is crazy, but there are a million spots [to park], so pick one, maybe?” which is a direct reference to the Carly Rae Jepsen’s song, Call Me Maybe.” The song is just brilliant because you can add any words into the lyrics to make the other person realize the mistake in a most subtle way.
You Can Run But You Can’t Hide
If you own a car then you might know how super annoying it is to keep a tab on it. You have to park in a place where it can’t be hit or can’t move out or stolen. But still, we just can’t watch over our car 24/7. This guy who found out that some random guy bumped into his car in the night while he was asleep and then bailed out as nothing happened is something to get angry about. Thanks to this good Samaritan who was able to provide some details about the incident.
Some Things Are Better Off Unsaid
When nature calls, there is nothing in this world that can stop you from responding to it. As they say, when you gotta go, you gotta go. Though we understand the urgency you could have told written the place you left for in a hurry so that it would have fulfilled the purpose of not getting you the ticket.
Revenge Is Best Served On A Yellow Slip
Isn’t it just so annoying and frustrating when you find a yellow piece of paper on your windshield which is the sign of your car being towed for parking the car in a no-parking zone or parking the car where it wasn’t desired? But this time, the person who left the note deliberately used the yellow color note and what was written over it would have the person in shock.