You’ve Been Served
Now here we have a business card that you really don’t want to ask for. It’s not a proposal that you would want to have from a person because of things which are written over it are something you don’t to read. Usual business cards have some relevant information on it but this card here doesn’t serve that purpose instead it makes the other person feel how useless he was.
Order From Above
What is better than Optimus Prime telling you to park your properly. What can you do other than following his order because if you don’t then we all know what happened to Megatron? So, to whomsoever, this note was concerned please make sure you park your car properly next time because if you don’t then the warning is straight from Optimus Prime who can be pretty ruthless and the movie is a proof of that.
No, it’s not a wedding invitation but a note that reminds the guy about his parking skills that sucks basically. The guy must have felt good after reading the word “Hiya” in bright green letters but when he would have read the rest of the part of the note, we are sure that there wouldn’t have been a smile on this person’s face.
There Is Right And Wrong
Driving is easy and a person can learn it within a week. But do you know what is the most difficult part of driving? It is parking. We are saying it from our own personal experience that parking is that one thing which needs a lot of practice. But, this guy here made it really simple for the other guy who might have been in a hurry and then this guy decided to teach the guy basics of parking. We think he did a pretty good job.
Parking Party
This note isn’t just a note but has a political aspect as well. And when politics is involved in something then we all know things are about to get dirty. And to the person who wrote this letter, it doesn’t matter if you are a Democrats or Republicans, a person is just a good or a bad driver that’s it. Unless a certified study doesn’t prove that there is a political connection between being a good driver or a bad, until then, we stick to one fact that politics is irrelevant.
Inconsiderate Sir
Not only men but women can use foul language and that too with a lot of creativity. Just take a look at this note which was left by this lady after this guy parked his car in such a way was occupying two parking spots at the same time. We all know how difficult it is to get parking and then when you see a person parking in such a way all you can do is write your heart down on a piece of paper.