Spiderman Gets Involved
We all love Spiderman and why won’t we? So, to make the other person realize their mistake he wrote a letter signed by “Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.” We are sure that the person who would have received this letter might have had a smile on his face after reading this. You just can’t ignore a request coming from our favorite Marvel superhero Spiderman and not after watching Infinity Wars.
Parking Award
Before we start with this note, we just want to know how the hell they managed to get balloons inside the parked car. You just can’t break-in and do whatever you feel like to the car even though he was wrong. But, then he also won a prize? We think that would make up for the break-in.
Short And To The Point
Just like that four words letter, we have a note which has three words written over it but still, it has the capacity to prove its point which was to don’t park “crappily.” We don’t always have to sugar coat our words to prove our point because you can always say things to the point.
Please Don’t Rob Me
Haha! This note is really humorous, right? But the thing is though you have left the note it still depends on the other person to follow your instructions because he can still unlock your car and could easily drive away some miles away from where he could just sell it and it would take a lot of time before the police can find it.
St. Judes
The fact this note was written on a paper belonging to St. Judes Children’s Hospital is more than enough to give the other person a guilt trip. The person just had read it once and you could find him accepting his sins in the confession booth.
Tony Says
Tony has clearly stated that it wasn’t his fault that he bumped into this other person’s car as he also mentioned that it was the latter’s fault because he didn’t park properly. Though it seems a little egoistic from Tony’s side. Just because your name is Tony it doesn’t make you a stark.