As we already showed you some examples where people kept the note short and simple, but there was this guy who made his point through writing a note which states, “Don’t [park] do it in front of someone’s driveaway…” See, parking in a wrong spot has no excuses, but then you also have to think that the person who parked in such a way might have some sort of personal emergency that made them do this, right? So, always choose your words wisely.
Terrible Parking
Helen Keller was a deaf and blind woman, who has worked hard to earn a bachelor of arts degree. Not only she made herself educated she also was an author, lecturer, and has been an active political activist. This one message has proved that people do things without giving it a thought. No matter how bad her parking was, she deserves our respect.
Thanks But No Thanks
Although this is not a message to tell the other person about his parking skills or blocking driveaway, it is still worth mentioning as it’s just pure gold. The message reads, “I have nothing of value in my car, but thanks for checking anyway.” This car owner who was fed up of thieves breaking into his car one too many times decided to leave the car window broken and wrote this letter rather than fixing it.
Oh So Gentle
The note starts with the letter F and ends with the same. This note not only serves the purpose but also tells us the level of the frustration of the writer. To be true, it is really annoying to just wake up to the sound of somebody’s car alarm going off in the middle of the night because your neighbor hasn’t got time to fix it.
Poor Stevie
If you don’t know who Stevie Wonder was then let us help you with that. Stevie Wonders is considered as a legend in Music. He was a blind musician who had a talent of music in his mind and heart. Using his name like this just to prove your point is not acceptable. You want to tell the person his mistake, tell him without taking names of such great personality who achieved heights through their dedication and hard work.
Resort To Public Transport
Someone thought it would be great to make cards that read, “people like you should take the bus, please, learn to park.” The thing is if you don’t park your car properly then there are chances you are annoying the general public. Wrong parking not only risks damage to your property but could also lead to something more devastating. So, if one day you find a card like this, we think it’s better to stay away from the car for while instead use public transportation.