Vision Of Love
Why only letters when we also have funny resignation videos. The technology has made advances and so have the people. Here the man resigns by making a funny video.
Calling Him Out
The video itself clarifies how much this girl hates her boss. So before quitting she decides to vent her pent up anger and makes a creative video to call out on her boss.
Just Fired
The person would not help because he/she just got fired. Imagine the anger he/she must be having right now. Thank god, the fired person did not put up a board with wrong directions. We feel sorry.
Saying It With A Bottle 
The man is resigning but he/she was not going to do it in a conventional manner. So he/she bought a bottle and wrote a message for his/her boss on it. It must have taken a while for the boss to read it and can also keep the bottle for use in the future.
It is toilet paper. The person has used this particular type of paper only to show the organization how does he/she feel about it. Well, to be honest, this is the very feeling of almost all the employees working in different organizations. Right?
This Is Why
The person does not shy away from expressing how does he/she feel in the organization in the resignation letter. There is a lack of mutual respect among the departments. The letter is to the point and sharp.