Resign In Peace
Some resignation letters baffled us. Let’s take the example of this one. This is the picture of David Sell with some dates written below it. The dates shown are the beginning and end dates of his stint as an employee at his previous job. His actual resignation letter is under the pamphlet that is not as interesting as this picture is.
‘Tis The Season To Resign
Quitting is one thing and severing all connection with the company is another. That is so evident in this resignation letter. The employee clarifies that he/she is quitting but at the same time asserts that they would be present.
Resignation? Priceless
Notice carefully, this not merely a price tag. It has something more written on it. Did you see “MY BOSS IS A .” Well, this is done by an employee who hates his boss extremely. And this is how he showed his hatred.
So Sincere
This is crazy! Alex knew that losing would be a big loss to the company. That is why she does not forget to sympathize with her boss in her resignation letter. We got to admire the writer for her sarcasm.
Box Office Bomb
Billboards are usually used for advertising. But then there are some great minds who use it to make big announcements like they are resigning. This picture clearly demonstrates the various usage of a billboard for personal use. We feel sorry for quitter boss who could not recognize his/her talent. Moreover, now he’ll have to change his sign on his own. Poor Boss!
Loud & Proud!
No one in this world wants to be a quitter. But here the case is different. The girl clearly is on the ninth cloud after QUITTING. There are a rainbow and stars everywhere. We must say the girl has quit in flying colors.