Please Make Sure
This elder sister is tired of picking up her baby sister who keeps sneaking off to take trips out of the state. She is getting a little frustrated and so she made a sign to put out the message.
Lowkey Racist?
This girl here is looking for a foreign exchange student she is in charge of for the next semester. She does not look so interested and hence does not even know her name. Her description though.
Very Nicely Put
This driver here is looking for a “Smoking Hot Carolina Girl”. Do you think all the smoking girls lined up to take a ride in his car? We hope his sign was clear enough and that he did not lose her.
Photoshop Love
These guys wanted to make fun of their friend who had gone on a summer vacation. What did they do? They made a sign with their pal on it, caressing another dude at the beach. It was photo-shopped but yes it was funny.
A Little Confusing
This greeting that the two adorable kids are holding is a little too confusing. DO they want to give their grandma a hug or run away? Someone, please explain.
Getting Frisky
So there was this dominatrix who was waiting for her man to come out from his flight. Is this a part of some gag or does she really intend to gag him. Some people play too much!