Beautiful Geyser

This beautiful geyser was built accidentally in 1964. It happened when an energy company penetrated into geothermal waters. Resultantly, the drill made a fountain that springs up to five feet high.   

Lake Hillier

This magnificent and unique waterbody is situated in Western Australia. Clearly, it is like any other lake in terms of size having the length of 2,000 feet. What makes this lake unique is its pink-colored water. Scientists hold a specific type of algae responsible for its color that stays in it.  

Tianzi Mountains

Tianzi Mountains are very famous for their different look. These pillars are discovered specifically in China’s Hunan province. As time went by these structures stands as the only remnants of the forgone province. This is a good place to visit. 

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea flows between Israel and Jordan. This is also the lowest point in the world and is carries clay, shale, rock salt, gypsum, and sandstone. In addition to that, the sea also has some unrelenting chemicals flowing along that makes it dangerous for animals or humans except for bacterias.    

Magnetic Hills

This place defies the biggest law of earth i.e. gravity. This place creates an illusion of upward sloping roads which in fact is downward sloping giving a feel of “rolling uphill” sensation to the drivers.  

Sentinels Of The Arctic

Though they look like limbs of an octopus that has gone frozen, they are actually ordinary trees.  The reason behind their turn and twisted shape is the heavy snow. Notably, the temperature of the region is -40 degree.