Her Dog
The officers were about to reach her place and the dispatcher asked her to open the door. Savannah who by now had opened up with the dispatcher thought of introducing her dog LouLou to him. The girl’s innocence was unfazed by the severity of the situation.
Calm And Composed
The dispatcher had realized that the girl was not panic at all. In fact, he was amazed at the calmness of the girl. And now, the entry of her pup in the conversation astonished him even more. However, he asked if her pup was friendly by nature. The girl excitedly replied.
He Barks
Talking about her dog seemed to be the favorite subject of Savannah. She happily told the dispatcher that her dog is very friendly but sometimes “he kind of barks.” Dispatcher himself laughing replied that it is very normal.
Officers On Their Way
While the dispatcher had kept Savannah busy, the ambulance was about to reach her house in any minute. Fortunately, the ambulance took only 10 minutes to reach her. The officer stormed inside and started searching for Frank.
Help At The Door
The sudden entry of officers into the house scared Savannah. She began screaming and crying. However, the well-trained officers gently handled her and introduced themselves to her. They also reassured her of her father’s safety.
Her Daddy Was Fine
After a thorough inspection, the doctor realized that it was not a heart attack. The man was doing okay. So, they did not hospitalize him. It was just a panic attack. However, it had escalated into a heart attack if the girl had not called for help in time.