Blue Hole
Not always do we find a cave in the deserted lands and formidable mountain peaks or below the land, sometimes we find them deep beneath the treasures of the ocean. Several caves have been discovered under the sea and they carry even more secrets than the ones on land.
Numerous such chests of hidden treasures are in the Bahamas. It is the home to several underwater caves. They are beautiful to look at because of the different color than the rest of the water. This might be because their entrance traps more light and reflect a darker shade of blue.
The Longest Serpent Ever
Snakes can be really creepy creatures and apart from some of us, everyone is afraid of their venomous nature. How big can a snake be? 10 feet, 20 feet, on records the largest snake since this incident was Medusa, a python and was 25 feet long. Think that’s too much to be real? Wait until you hear this.
Found in Altamira, Para in Northern Brazil by construction workers, this monster snake beats the length of the defending champion by an astounding 10 feet. It was measured to be of 33 feet long. Now that is unbelievable. Hope you never plan to visit Altamira or you might just meet this friend on the roads.
The Blind Fish
Living Beings have been known to evolve according to their habitat. As their name goes, this species of fishes do not have the power of sight and live in the deepest underwater caves. So, how do they move, prey and survive? They might not have a sense of vision but have developed abilities to sense vibrations and pressure changes in the ocean water. The central nervous system then aids the fish to move and prey without even using its eyes.
Land Giant’s Remains
Sometimes our exploration ends up asking us several difficult questions. Underwater divers, in Madagascar, found bones of giant Lemurs. Now, these are extremely endangered species that live on the ground. The even more shocking fact that raises questions is that these bones were of creatures as big as Gorillas.
Now to answer the question as to how these bones reached so deep under the ocean, there is a theory that suggests that water current and waves pushed them here. These findings complete our knowledge of evolution but do we know it all? What more might be hidden in one of those deep caves, who knows!
Hellfire Caves
We have talked about caves, goosebumps and an intimidating sense of fear, but the Hellfire Caves don’t only inject horror but a feeling of dismay and misfortune. This set of caves in the West Wycombe Caves of southeast England might be manmade but the idols carved justify the name given to the caves.
These carving apparently are of some devil and people believe that the place might have been used for occult practices.
A Starry Encounter
We have all heard of glowing creatures in the dark, which on one hand look mesmerizing and on the other use this phosphorescence to prey on small insects that get attracted to these minions. In the caves of Waitomo, New Zealand, there is an abundance of these worm-like creatures which dangle from the ceiling and wait for their next prey.
This cave has turned into a tourist destination where people come from across the globe to see these dangling orbs. All it takes is a ticket to New Zealand and a couple of hours of kayaking.