
Make sure to always say no to foods that have sulfur dioxide, sodium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, or sulfurous acid anhydride in them. All these are sulfites and do a lot of damage to your body. These food preservatives are commonly used in wine and are known to be notorious allergens.
Whipped Cream

If you pay close attention, you will know that most of the time, whipped creams that are cannot usually do not even contain dairy. The canned whipped cream is usually made from water and hydrogenated oil that can result in some cardiovascular diseases in the long run. Just buy the cream and make whipped cream yourself to be on the safe side.

Ham is certainly one of the unhealthiest food products you can ever consume. You will find that ham contains a lot of nitrites with large amounts of salt. It does not take a genius to know that this combination is a dangerous duo for your health that can cause serious health problems. Just stop your consumption to make your diet a healthy one.
White Rice

White rice is white solely for the fact that it had been washed and cleaned. White rice has a lot of unhealthy effects on the body, even more so than you might think. It has a lot of carbs which can cause you to gain extra weight. Wholegrain rice is a better choice if you cannot stay away from rice. It has more nutritional value.