Grave Of Mary Ellis
Marry Ellis was a spinster who died in 1828 and was buried which has now become a parking lot for a movie theater. The thing is that the grave has many stories attached to it, according to a tale the lady made many sailors fall in love with her, but her love was a sailor who loved the sea more than anything or anyone else and therefore she never married anyone.
Moonlight Towers
Before the streetlights took over the cities in the 20th century, there used to be arc-lamps that were used to lighten up multiple blocks at once. The arc-lamps were posted in high towers so that they could light up many places at once. But then came the street lights and these arc lamps became obsolete and were removed, but you can still see a few of the 165-foot towers in Austin.
Bubblegum Alley
What are your thoughts on sightseeing?
Chewed gum stuck on a wall might not be the first thing that crosses your mind. But in San Luis Obispo, California lies a wall about 2,000-square-feet that has about thousands of chewing gum stuck to it.
Jerimoth Hill
Jerimoth Hill is the highest peak in all of Rhode Island standing tall at 812 feet high. Hikers who have conquered the 0.3-mile trail with an elevation of almost 10-foot usually stack up stones on the top which has made the point that much higher.
Magnetic Hill
No, don’t judge the place by its name.
The hill is not touted to attract any metallic object. It is just that the illusion created by the obstructed horizon and the rising and falling terrain makes the car traveling downhill look like that they are traveling uphill.
Republic Of Indian Stream
The Independent Republic of Indian Stream was formed due to the claims of both the side of borders i.e. the United Staes and Canada and therefore the government officials elected by the people started serving this constitutional republic.