In the world of business, the sense of competition is a vital part of the system. Whether it comes to competing for a job position or competing with other recruiters to get the perfect candidate, competition exists for both applicants as well as companies. To achieve success, it is crucial to stand out from the crowd. So as far as job postings go, it is essential to create something which will catch attention. Here is a compilation of 40 funny and creative job listings that were made to stand out and attract applicants.
Crack The Code

Dallas Restaurant and Bar were on a hunt to hire their next bartender. To test their applicants’ skills, they put a code in their ad, encouraging only those to apply who can read what it says. This eye-catching ad ended with a disclaimer which read, “Those lacking a great sense of humor need not apply”
Time Traveller

In the year 2013, an ad popped up in the newspapers around the Arizona region, searching for a “serious volunteer” who is willing to time travel. The employee will be paid $110 per day and they will have to time travel back to the midwest in 1985. The funny part was, that the ad requested the applicants to bring their own weapons and very kindly mentioned that the employer will pay for the rest of the services.
Paid To Eat

A bakery in the UK posted an ad for “part-time cake eaters”. Yes, there is a job which will pay you to eat cake. The employer mentioned that they have many big orders coming up and there will be lots of leftover cakes. The description of the ad read, “If you love cakes and desserts and want to get paid to eat as much cake and dessert as physically possible then this is for you!”
Love For Video Games

A Danish company named “Uncle Grey” was struggling to find developers for an open position. After doing some research, the company discovered that the typical demographic for this position plays up to 8 hours of video games every day. That is when they hired the best players of the game “Team Fortress 2” to promote the position within the game. Soon, they received over 50 applicants for the job opening.
Career Instructions

In the year 2011, Ikea accomplished to get thousands of applicants through their unique and creative recruitment techniques. They printed out and placed job listings inside their packed furniture. So every time they would make a sale, customers will take it home along with their new furniture. These job listings were printed out like furniture assembly instructions and were called “Career Instructions”, illustrating the steps to apply for the job.
Bus Driver Ad

This next set of job listings were put out in search of a school bus driver. The school decided to post the listings on the school buses themselves. Everyone on the roads caught a glimpse of these funny one-liners posted on the school buses, some of these were, “You’ll never take your work home with you. In fact, it would be illegal” and “Make $16.25 an hour doing what most parents do for free”.