A Son’s Plea
Chris’ plea from his mom was watched all across the country. people were touched by this young teen’s innocent request. On the show, Chris shared the struggles he has been facing because of his mother’s overweight. The boy lost control of his emotions and cried in front of the audience watching him on their TV screens. His only wish? To see his mother fit and healthy.
Extreme Fear
So far, Chris just told how he wished his mother to live a better life. Chris was yet to reveal the most disturbing part which brought tears to everyone’s eyes who were present to watch the live show. He told the host, Oprah Winfrey, that he himself was scared of eating. He feared becoming like his mother. It was the same type of fear that Ruth, his aunt felt during her childhood.
A Fake Promise
Seeing her boy beg to her melted Mary’s heart. She made Chris a promise that she would bring a change in her lifestyle from that day onwards. Emotions took over Mary when she said that she would like to live a healthy life for the sake of her child. Chris, the innocent boy believed his mother’s words but little did he know that he would never see a bit of change in her…
The Results
Did this show succeed in its mission to bring the twins together? Well, not really as both of them were still on the same tracks that led to different directions. The sisters were now almost sure that they’ll never get along happily, but as life is all about the unexpected, that’s what was going to happen.
Before It’s Too Late
After the show, Mary continued to live in her old style and forgot about her promise that she made to her son completely. Even today she admits that not doing it for her son when he was there with her was the biggest mistake of her life. Chris who believed in her promise said nothing and waited for his mother to think of it, but will it happen?
Tragedy Strikes
We never know how much time we’ve left with our loved ones and hence it is said to make the fullest of the moment that we’ve got with them, ie, now. Mary never got a chance to prove to her son that she’ll do anything for him. Soon after the show completed its filming, Chris who was just 19-year-old bid goodbye to this world and left Mary alone forever.