Stopping Or Skipping Meds


We can agree with all honesty that swallowing pills is a pain and frankly annoying. We also experience some side effects. When we were normal and there is no uneasiness, it becomes quite easy to forget our medications. “High blood pressure is called the silent killer because you don’t feel it,” according to Dr. Ostfeld.

Even If You Feel Okay

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“Saying you feel fine is not a justification for stopping these pills.” Currently, there are 30 different types of high blood pressure medications, which means that one can switch if they find that one type is not working for them. Dr. Hochman suggests,”If one medication doesn’t work, we can try something else.”

Avoiding fruits and vegetables


“The most heart-healthy diet is a plant-based diet,” Dr. Ostfeld advises. This basically translates to fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and protein being healthy also avoiding junk food. Moreover, federal dietary guidelines recommend that half the portion of every meal should comprise of fruits and vegetables.

5 Servings Or More

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Experts and doctors have revealed that people who usually eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day have proven to be about 20% lower with having risks of heart disease and stroke than people who consume three servings of fruits or lesser per day. So we must remember to always grab ourselves an apple or pears every chance we get.

Ignoring Physical Symptoms


If you find yourself trouble free from climbing three flights of stairs without any sign of struggle, but suddenly run out of breath after one flight or have pressure in your chest then it is a sign telling you to call your doctor as soon as possible This is not just because you are out of shape or because you are inactive.

Make Use Of Time

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Doctors always use the phrase”time is muscle,” which basically translates to how the quicker you get help for any issue, the less likely will be to experience a permanent damage to your heart muscle. “It’s better for it to be much ado about nothing than sitting on a heart attack for six hours,” as Dr. Ostfeld puts it.