You could never know what life brings along. Sometimes people are not meant to be permanent in your life. All you are left with are memories of the people who left you at a point in the journey called life. What if the memory you made in the form of anything, connects the people to the past we shared? People are going to relive the whole era again by joining the dots of memory. Here is a story of a postmaster who received something unusual that made the world visit the old era.
A Usual day
It was a usual day for Lori Boes, the postmaster of Michigan. Like every day, she used to deliver letters to the correct address mentioned by the sender. She had been doing this work for a very long time, therefore, was aware of most of the houses and localities of her state.
Love For Her Job
Boes loved her job more than anything else. The only thing that encouraged her to keep going was the smile and happiness that she was able to put on the receiver’s face. She considered herself to be a medium of people’s connection and this is the reason why she never delayed her delivery to any address. In fact, she hardly took any day off.
No Address
On a day, while doing her everyday work, that is, fetching letters and delivering them, Lori Boes caught hold of a mysterious envelope in which no address was mentioned. This was something new for her since she hasn’t seen somebody doing such a blunder. She tried searching for the address, but lastly, her search ended up with a surprise.
For Her?
Boes was all baffled on seeing a letter with no particular address or name on it. On flipping it, she got to see letters inked on the surface of the paper. Unlike other letters, the name was not specified nor the address. A designation was mentioned that surprisingly turned out to be of hers. With a shivering hand, somebody mentioned “Postmaster, Newaygo Michigan 49337”.
The Dilemma
There was a conflict going inside Boes’ head. She wanted to read the letter because it was in her name but at the same time, she thought that it could be for the last postmaster who served the city before her. She was dilemmatic about reading the letter so she kept the letter aside and focused on other letters she had to deliver that very day.
A Prank?
Lori Boes, while delivering the rest of the letters came across a thought of being pranked. To test her patience, some children could have planned that whole scenario making her go all nuts. As soon as this thought generated inside her head, she stopped her bicycle and searched for a comfortable place to read the mysterious letter she carried.