Dangerous Sea Creatures
There are some sea creatures that you should mind while walking on the shore. They might seem to you like very cute and calm but trust us, they aren’t. Their bite can be very painful and fatal and some can even kill you if the bite is severe. There have been so many cases related to these creatures that today you can see several signboards warning you to stay away from the shore or mind so and so creatures. Here are some of the creatures that you should be aware of.
These squishy cute creatures injure many beach lovers and going by the census recorded by the authorities, the cases of jellyfish injuring people are more than any other creature found in the sea. A sting from jellyfish tentacles is said to be very painful even when it is dead. Did you understand the severity of the sting? The U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, provide us with many books and research for treating jellyfish stings.
The next one is even more fatal and you’ll be sorry if you step on it.
Sea Urchins
Mind the urchins while walking on the shores. If you read this warning, please don’t ignore it and take a good care while taking a walk. They are mostly found near shallow waters near sandy or rocky shorelines. They can injure a person when their spine touches human skin. There are a variety of books on how to treat a sting if inflicted by sea urchins.
Lionfish are found in the large areas of the East Coast, Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico. They are sure lovely to look at but don’t you dare touch them. The lionfish’s spine is filled with deadly venom and if it stings you, it can cause you severe pain, sweating, breathing problem, and in worst condition paralysis. If you ever come across lionfish (we hope you don’t) stay away from it and if unfortunately, it stings you, seeking immediate medical attention should be your first priority.
Found in that parts of the Mid-Atlantic, Southeast Unites States, Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico, stingrays can be very dangerous as they have the habit of swimming near the shores. What makes them dangerous? It is their ability to hide at the bottom of the water and covering themselves with sand, which is the reason why people don’t see them and step on them. Usually, they are not that aggressive but their sting can be very fatal and seeking medical attention in that situation is something you should seek for.
Why sharks are the last one to be on the list? It is because shark attacks are rare. They are most active at dawn and dusk, so mind yourself going in the water during that time of the day. You might have heard of their one specialty that they can smell blood. It’s not a myth, sharks do get attracted to blood and it is often suggested that a wounded person shouldn’t enter inside water. If you come across one it’s better to leave the water as soon as possible and notify the closest lifeguard in sight.