What a compelling invention it is; the whole concept of the lottery. Have you ever tried your luck in lottery tickets? We all know the probability of winning a lottery, its almost zero. Still, these lottery tickets attract us every now and then. Some of us never buy these tempting tickets but everyone has wondered at least once about winning them. How incredibly it can change one’s life within a blink of eyes. But everything comes with a cost that most of us won’t understand what it might take unless we’ve experienced it.

A story of luck, fate, good, bad, consequences, threats and more. The story of Marie Holmes has all in it. Like most of us, her life too was filled with ups and downs. Sadly for her, life was mostly about hard times and very rarely she had good days in her life. But the way her life changed has always been a dream for millions of people.

Trying Hard

Marie Holmes, a 27-year-old single mother was on her daily job routine. Working hard to fulfill her four kids’ daily needs. She was trying to save as much as she can for their future. No matter how hard she tried to bring things in the right place, Marie was never able to cop up with the rapid speed life actually demanded out of her. At this time she was completely unaware of the fact that her life was about to change forever. Only time would tell how long Marie’s life is actually going to be on track.