What Happened?comatose wife Oklahoma

Ryan told it took around 25 minutes for the doctors to stabilize Jill in such a way that they can further help her with medication or anything at all as they knew proceeding in the traumatic state might risk her life. All Ryan remembered Jill sleeping last night with him as usual, he couldn’t make out what happened to her that caused this. 

Breathing Againcomatose wife

With the doctors’ team efforts finally, Jill started breathing and her heart was beating too. Everyone took a breath of relief, sadly, this wasn’t all. When Ryan heard the news and was eager to see his love again, the doctors soon noticed something strange that was the biggest shock for Ryan and the situation seemed more complicated when he wasn’t explained what happened to her.

Cardiac Arrestcomatose wife

At the hospital, Ryan was told by the doctors that when asleep Jill had cardiac arrest and as she stopped breathing for almost 5 minutes, doctors had to move her to the “chill suit” and initiated clinical hypothermia to decrease the chances of brain damage. All the possible attempts were being made to keep Jill stable but fate couldn’t be controlled by people.

Cooling Her Down

According to Dr. Michael Schoeffler who was looking after Jill’s condition, “there [are] studies that have shown that it helps protect the brain in hopes that she will have a recovery.” Therefore she was kept covered with cooling pads and was taken care with circulated cold water for complete 24 hours which resulted in lowering her body temperature to 90 degrees. Things went wrong when doctors tried to warm her up.

Little Activity

After 24 hours, doctors were now supposed to increase Jill’s body temperature. Doctors were expecting that she would wake up while this procedure like many other patients’ cases. But what happened was completely opposite of their expectations as the reports showed that there was very little brain activity observed after the tests.

Falling Into A Coma

Ryan recalls doctor informing him about Jill’s current state, that she was in a coma and this was a shock to him. He didn’t want to leave her side nor he wanted to give up on her rather he wanted her to get up soon and talk to him like before. The only issue was Ryan and the doctors had no way to bring her out of the coma. So was this it? Not at all.