The Master Plan

There was one thing that was very clear from what Smith had observed. The pregnant woman had truly mastered the art of begging. She was certain that the majority of the people who were driving by or walking around the shopping center would have pity on her. She carried with her, a sign written “Please Help” on it. She also made use of the little boy beside her to gain pity points too.

For How Long?

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And indeed the people who were passing through the shopping center felt pitiful for the lady and would proceed to take out their wallets. Since she could always be seen there, Smith thought that it would not take long for her to be found out. She then set her goals on trying to find out what this pregnant beggar was all about. She would soon get more information than she bargained for.

An Odd Development

Smith was living nearby the shopping center but that day she went during the time she would not normally go out like other days. She had to go to the shopping center due to some unforeseen circumstances. She normally went during an hour before mid-morning. As she made her way back home, she discovered that her car was grinning low on gas. So she had to stop.

Catching Her Eye

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And when she took notice of the fact that the car had very less gas, Smith knew she had to hurry and get some gas. She spotted a gas station opposite the East Lake Village Center. So Smith quickly pulled over and began to fill her tank there. Then it was there that she spotted something off that triggered her to hold her own investigation by herself.

Making Observations

So while Smith was there at the station pumping gas into her car, she saw the beggar who was on the move too. This was nothing to be alarmed about because she had been standing there for a long time. She obviously needs to take some rest. As Smith took some time to observe the pregnant beggar, she saw that there was a car that was driving towards the beggar…

Keeping A Cautious Eye

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When she saw this car approaching the lady carrying the child, Smith did not expect that anything odd would happen still. And so, after seeing that the car was getting close to the lady, Smith became more interested. Her curiosity piqued and so she kept an eye on the car and the well-known beggar from nearby. What she saw next was something that proved her theory all along…